
How to Promote Your Home Service Business Online?

promote home service business online

With the summer season winding down, now is a good time to start focusing on the administrative side of your home improvement or repair business. In order to keep up with your sales goals, having a well-thought-out marketing strategy is essential to finding new clients. Here are a few tips to consider when promoting your home service business online.

Develop Strong Connections

You can stand out from your competitors by building relationships based on trust. The difference between you and a competitor who offers the same service is your ability to sell yourself and build connections. Homeowners want to work with people they can trust – people they can trust in the safety of their homes with valuables, and people they can trust to get the job done right.

HomeStars builds your online presence and reputation with reviews written by past clients and photos of your work. For an additional layer of trust with homeowners, you can become a HomeStars Verified business. The HomeStars Verified process involves a legal, credit, and professional licensing check. Having the HomeStars Verified badge on your listing shows you are a reputable business that can be trusted and is here to stay. Homeowners will know they can access your business information on HomeStars when they need a service done in the future or when they want to refer you to their friends and family.

Educate and Inform

Educate your audience by showing them results, not unproved promises. To capture the interest of homeowners, provide informative content that tells them something they may not know because they are not in the industry. As you grow your brand and prove you are the industry expert, people will continue to go to your content because they identify you as a reliable source of information and will reach out to you for your services.

You can create consistent content that has value through Facebook and Instagram Lives, YouTube videos, podcasts or blogs. Your social media accounts can promote your business as the go-to brand with informative social posts with captions that reveal industry secrets or tips and photos of your work that shows off your level of expertise and knowledge (know-how).

HomeStars can act as your landing page for prospective clients – the one place where they can access all the content you have online that you want to reach your audience. You can share your website and social media accounts links on your HomeStars listing.

Show the Person/People Behind the Brand

You can further develop trust with homeowners by being visible and transparent. Homeowners want to know you on a more personable level. Show your hobbies and interests outside of work. Prospective clients will be drawn to hire people they share a common interest with or can relate to. Are you interested in a specific sport or do you volunteer with a specific organization in your spare time? Share the logo on your HomeStars profile, website or social media.

HomeStars can assist you in meeting your promotional goals by having the resources to help you develop strong, long-term client relationships, and showcasing your brand as a knowledgeable, industry expert. HomeStars reviews allow clients to comment on your character and testify to what the people on your team are really like to help spread the word about your business.

Contact us today to learn more about how HomeStars can help enhance your online marketing to find more clients and boost your profits.

Questions? Contact your dedicated account manager, today, or call 1-800-701-9265.

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