I will start this review by stating I have emails, recorded voice conversations and video backing up all statements I am making against Granito Interiors Inc. In addition, we have a demand letter and a VISA complaint document showing attempts my wife and I have made to refund our money until the service is completed or the countertop is removed.
So where do I begin? In May of this year my wife and I purchased a quartz countertop through Granito Interiors. During the 30 minute timeframe the templater was at our home he spent 15 minutes doing the digital template, 10 minutes talking on his Blackberry, 3 minutes doing manual measurements and 2 minutes talking to me about what I considered the more important details of our countertop. These details included the overhang of our breakfast bar, the angel to put on its corner, where the seam will be located if any, the opening for our stove and the template for our sink-cutout we provided. The answers were important yet simple to understand: A 12” overhang on our breakfast bar w/ a 60 degree angle, the seam location was undetermined, the stove was to be ½” larger than the standard opening, and a physical copy for the sink-cutout was provided to the templater to be used for the sink opening.
So what went wrong? My wife and I understand a countertop is a custom product requiring forgiveness’s and leniencies because many things are imperfect such as walls, cabinets, floors etc. Nevertheless, the installation went like clockwork. The installers were efficient and courteous. It was only a day after the install did my wife and I notice the deficiencies. First, the stove opening was tight to a point where it pinched in the stove and it could not be moved whatsoever. Second, our sink, which is a standard double under-mount sink, had an overhang totaling almost ¾” from side to side and again from front to
back. After talking to industry professionals, who included but not limited to a Granito Interior Inc. countertop serviceman and other technicians, we were told these mistakes should not have occurred because they are not part of the customization process.
So why did it go wrong? My wife and I are still pondering this question. But after more conversations with Granito's sales staff we came to understand there was a communication breakdown within the company. We dealt with four different people at the company and at every stage of the process important details were left out between the staff. First, a service call appointment they did not keep. Second, a tight stove opening which should have been adjusted by the installers. And finally, the sink-cutout was lost thus never used to create the proper opening creating a sizeable and intrusive overhang.
So what was the end result? After many phone-calls and emails Granito Interiors finally agreed to set up a service call. After a few weeks of waiting a gentlemen came out to address the issues. Not only did he agree mistakes were made but he spent the time to fix them. Unfortunately, he was only able to correct the stove opening. The Granito Serviceman explained he would need additional manpower to remove the portion of counter-top which included the sink opening. It is now October and with no shortage of attempts in contacting Granito Interiors they have not talked to us since the day of the service call. Our only assumption is regardless of what their own service call revealed Granito Interior's has completed the job and are not coming back.
In the near future I will be PUBLISHING all the emails, audio and video files ONLINE. Not with the intention of slandering Granito Interiors but to protect potential customers from making a considerable investment resulting in POOR WORKMANSHIP, PROFESSIONALISM, and fundamental COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS. In my opinion this company does not deserve anyone's business.
Responding to the response:
Wow, wow, wow, really?
1) "All phone calls and emails answered" - after the serviceman addressed the first of two issues I never heard from the company again, even after making numerous emails and phone calls to address the second issue.
2) "I was never available" - This house is my job. I am here every day, all day overseeing work done or doing work, please.
3) "Nothing to do with Granito" - Wow, this is the first time Granito has admitted to having the sink template. Went back to store of purchase and retrieved another template to show the MISTAKE GRANITO MADE anyways. But I do have a few simple questions to ask:
Who determined the template was not 100% accurate and who gave the order to alter it? Choose your words carefully because the video I will soon be posting might affect public opinion of your company.
To clarify, because in your response it doesn't, the sink opening is 3/4" smaller than the template, the video will show the discrepancy. So again, why wasn't the opening made identical to the template and who gave the order to alter it?
It seems Granito is trying to state the opening and template match which I find INCREDIBLY LAUGHABLE. If the sink opening did match the template I would not be complaining because that is what I wanted.
Oh and GOOD JOB on responding to my complaint 8 MONTHS LATER, that in itself should SPARK CONCERNS about GRANITO.
Yours Truly,