The Duct Cleaning Specialists

Duct Cleaning
Vaughan ON L4L 3R7
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HomeStars  >  Duct Cleaning in Newmarket  >  The Duct Cleaning Specialists  >  "Healthy Home Package" - HOLIDAY SPECIAL
June Wu from Mississauga
June Wu from Mississauga
2 reviews Mississauga, ON

"Healthy Home Package" - HOLIDAY SPECIAL

We chose the Duct Cleaning Specialists because they are rated #1 on HomeStars.
Mat and Steve are very friendly, professional and very thorough when performing duct cleaning, they showed me before and after photos of their work which insured their thoroughness. I will highly recommended to all my friends!!!

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Company Response

Hi June, thanks for sharing about your recent experience with us. Glad you were happy with the work performed. If we can be of any help or service in the future, please keep us in mind. Happy Holidays to you and your family. All the best. Paul