
Avoid Fraud with These Anti-Scam Tips from HomeStars

man with head down doing fraudlent activity online

HomeStars is Canada’s largest online marketplace devoted to connecting reputable pros with project-ready homeowners. While most users have a positive experience on our platform, inevitably, just like in any online community, there is always the risk of spam or fraudulent activity.

To help avoid falling victim to scams, we encourage pros on our network to take the following precautions when using HomeStars and other online platforms:

Don’t Disclose Personal Details

Never share personal details such as banking information, passwords, pins, etc. over the internet – a homeowner requesting this from you should be an immediate red flag!

Be Cautious of Suspicious Spam Like-Messages

In the event you receive a suspicious or spam-like message to your HomeStars inbox, (ex. an inquiry that is not related to a service request), do not respond, and report it to your dedicated Account Manager immediately to take the appropriate action.

Pay Attention to Email Addresses

HomeStars sends informational emails to our pros periodically; however, if you receive an email that appears to be sent from us but seems suspicious in nature, it could be a phishing scam.

  • Pay attention to the sender’s email – you can check their email address by hovering your mouse over the ‘from’ address. Ensure no alterations like additional numbers or letters have been made to the email address or company URL (false email ex. prohelp@homestars-123.com). The only senders you will see from HomeStars, are gettingstarted@email.homestars.com, prohelp@email.homestars.com, or your Account Manager’s email address.
  • If you suspect the email is a phishing scam, avoid clicking on any links. For example, emails that require you to log in to your HomeStars account should bring you straight to our website – if they don’t, report it to your Account Manager.

Beware of “Overpaying” Customers

Beware of “homeowners” who insist on overpaying for a job that has yet to be completed – situations like these could be part of a counterfeit cashier’s cheque scheme!

If you have experienced any of the above circumstances or another that seem suspicious, reach out to your Account Manager, or call us at 1-877-488-0312

Thank you for helping us continue to keep HomeStars a safe place to connect pros with project-ready homeowners!

Questions? Contact your dedicated account manager, today, or call 1-800-701-9265.

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