Arteco Home Improvements

Bathroom Renovation
Toronto ON M2L 2J4
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Jordan in Scarborough
Jordan in Scarborough
2 reviews Mississauga, ON

Drywall ceiling repair

I reached out to Bill before Christmas 2022 and had agreed to have him repair our ceiling and set a date for the repair. The day came and nobody showed up. I contacted Bill and he said he would get back to me and reschedule someone. He didn't get back to me. I reached out after the new year and Bill apologized saying things were crazy at that time. So we set a date for him to come do the job and he came himself as promised. He did a very good job on the ceiling. However, for some reason the area he taped off on the hardwood floor had the Finnish lift wherever the tape was. I contacted him the same day and he promised to come take a look and see what he could do to repair it the next day. So in good faith I paid the bill promptly. Bill did not return my calls or text messages once I paid him and I tried a few time in the weeks to come.
This is unfortunate

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Company Response

Mr. Jordan

I am truly sorry and disappointed to see such a misleading and untrue review about the state of events that transpired.

Fairly enough there was a bit of a delay from our end and we had to re-schedule your repair and for that I apologize.

However the rest of your review and statements are completely untrue and false.
Your review and description of your experience is not one to inform or potentially warn a potential client about a scammer or a completely unprofessional contractor, but to solely hurt me and my business's reputation.

You claim that you paid me in good faith promptly. In order for me to get paid that means that you inspected and approved the work performed. Ensured that there's no mess or damages occurred by me or any of my contractors and that the standard of the job was nothing less than exceptional. Only after you approve I issue an invoice for payment and that's a very strict policy of our company. Yet you conveniently forget to mention that you did inspect the work and approved that the work was completed to your satisfaction. So you didn't pay me in good fait Mr. Jordan, you paid me for services successfully provided by my company.

During your inspection at 1:25pm that day during broad day light with a window hitting your floors with natural sun light no damage was observed by either you or me. No mess or paint spills or any other issues was observed. The area was left clean in exactly the way it was when I first got here.

You can't deny that the work was performed accurately and to your complete satisfaction upon inspection, The cleanness of the area, and that during the time that work was performed your floors and belongings were covered and protected. No mess or plaster or paint spills were left behind.

When you reached out 5 or 6 hours later about the damage I specifically said 3 things.
First that in all my years I have never seen anything like that happening.
Second that the suspected reason was because of the decay of your floors as discussed earlier that day.
Third that I will do my best to try and make some time to come and see if I can fix it. I didn't say it's free. I didn't say it's my fault and I didn't say I will for sure come and fix the "damage".

You forget to mention the fact that we discussed about refinish your floors sometime later this year and that I gave you a rough estimate about how much it will potentially cost.

I have pictures that unfortunately can't attach here that support my claims and furthermore support the malicious intent behind this review.
You are trying to claim that we should be held responsible for protecting your floors not with tape as you mention but with paper covering and painters plastic. That's way above the average covering of one cloth drop sheet that most professionals use so your false review can actually be used as a compliment.

I can't be held accountable for a floor that's poorly maintained and in a bad condition and certainly I can't be responsible for going above and beyond to cover and protect your decaying floors.

Nevertheless if you so strongly feel that your review is justified and stands true it's up to you.

Unfortunately your floors are mot my responsibility to fix for free and for that I will stand my ground.

I will apologize for failing to serve you on time and you had a bad experience with me and my company.
