Mersey Heating And Air Conditioning

Formerly Mersey Service Experts
Heating & Air Conditioning
ON M1E 3W1
Write a Review
Write a Review

Sheila Everest from Toronto
Sheila Everest from Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

furnace repair

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

Overall satisfaction with Mersey Service Experts? 100%

What are your reasons for giving Mersey Service Experts the rating that you did?
Very Prompt service - took the time to diagnose a very unusual problem -

Likelihood of doing business again with Mersey Service Experts? 100%

Likelihood of recommending Mersey Service Experts to friends and family? 100%

Performance Ratings
How would you rate Mersey Service Experts on the following attributes?

Customer Service Representative satisfied all needs when scheduling service 100%

Technician or Residential Sales Consultant arrived within promised timeframe 100%

Technician or Residential Sales Consultant offered quality, dependable work on first visit 100%

Technician or Residential Sales Consultant showed respect to me and my home 100%

Mersey Service Experts is easy to do business with 100%

Mersey Service Experts is a good value with competitive pricing N/A
Mersey has over many years replaced two furnaces, 1 air conditioner , furnace cleaning and fixed various small problems. when we call them they are very efficient and we trust them to do a good job and have never been disappointed. This last problem with our furnace took a couple of visits because the problem was something that did not happen every time and they did not want to replace something that was not necessary.. Which we appreciated. Everyone that has come into our home has been respectful and very pleasant.. Mersey is our go to Company for any problems with our furnace and air conditioner. Sincerely Mrs. Everest

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Company Response

Sheila, thank you for taking the time to share your review. We appreciate your business!