Heights Residential

Window & Gutter Cleaning
Edmonton AB T5G 1J3
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HomeStars  >  Window & Gutter Cleaning in Edmonton  >  Heights Residential  >  Windows, gutters, lights
Luba Feduschak from Edmonton
Luba Feduschak from Edmonton
2 reviews Edmonton, AB

Windows, gutters, lights

We have used Heights Residential to do windows, in and out, to clean the gutters/eavestroughs and also to decorate the house at Christmas time with sexy white lights. The lads are helpful, polite and sing while they are working. It makes the house brighter and the occupants happier. The booking has been a dream to deal with and our follow up re timing has never been a problem.

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Company Response

Thank you Luba! That is an awesome review. Hope you had an excellent Christmas under your sexy white lights. And Happy New Year!