Hometurf Lawn Care Service

Lawn Maintenance
Mississauga ON L5S 1G4
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Don in Scarborough
Don in Scarborough
3 reviews Toronto, ON

Lawn Care Service

I have been pleased with service over past 11 yrs & was pleased to refer them to a neighbour who asked what company provided my lawn care service, because she thought "my lawn always looked so good". I had 1 minor complaint (over seeding into flower garden) that I passed on to HomeTurf, via email, & received a "phone call" back apologizing & informing me that my account file had been flagged, for future reference.

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Company Response

Thank you for your review and thank you for your patronage over the last 11 years Mr. Hall! It is always great to hear from such long term customers. We hope that we can continue to work with you for many years to come. If there is anything else we can do to help in the future just let us know! Thank you.