

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

Thank you for your service . I am very happy with what your technicians done . Even , the hot water tank was defectives from the beginning , the reason that the thermostat system was broken by transportation or other reason. But in the next day, the technician replaced it with a new thermostat. And now the hot water tank is working great. So I am very happy, I have chosen the right company. I also received the receipt of return old water tank. I wish you and your company develop more and more day by day. sincerely, Nhan

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Company Response

Thank you Mr.Nguyen for writing us such a wonderful review. Thanks for choosing Home Saving Inc. to be your HVAC contractor. We hope we can continue to have opportunities to work together again in the near future. Have a nice day!