

Read this before you think of signing up with them: if could give them minus 5 stars I would. Electrician showed up and sat in his car for 25 minutes and fixed nothing. Told me his time was up when he came back in to the house and refused to check anything that was broken. Said there would be a charge if he had to check the same issue again. He first tried telling me it was a lightbulb issue and then told me I would need to have the fixtures replaced. If this post can reach anyone- DO NOT sign up for electric protection plan. We had them come 3 times and all 3 times they told me it couldnt be fixed or they would charge me for it. The monthly fee is a huge waste of money. You are better off hiring an electrician and paying a one time fee.

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Company Response

Hi Francesca, I do apologize for the frustration caused if you need assistance please email me at Thanks Nicole