

This is the second project for which we called KDM. Both times, Dan and his team were efficient, honest, and easy to deal with. Daniel's honesty and ability to communicate are what set him apart from most tradespeople. What we like best about Dan is that when presenting you with options, he does just that -- he presents you with the options for YOU to make the choice. He does not, unlike other tradespeople, try to steer you to the most expensive option simply to inflate his profit margin. He gives you all the facts and allows the customer to decide based on what they hear. Just as important, is Dan's ability to communicate. He is invariably pleasant, approachable, and helpful. He keeps you informed of timelines as the work progresses, never takes shortcuts, and seeks your input whenever necessary and appropriate. If ever we have need of HVAC services again, we will most definitely be calling Dan back. Needless to say, it is without hesitation that we recommend Dan to anyone seeking HVAC services.

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Company Response

Thank you Joe. You were a pleasure to work for . Thank you for the opportunity & the very kind words !


I met Dan when he replaced our furnace. I then asked him to come back and replace our water heater at a later date. Dan and his team come when they say they will and always finish within the time frame they specify. Dan himself is an absolute pleasure with which to deal. He's friendly, honest, and never tries to upsell you. I greatly appreciate how he invariably lays out all the details of each option, providing all the advantages and disadvantages to each, and then allows you, the customer, to make your own determination as to what you feel might be best suited to your needs. I will most definitely be using Dan for our future addition which we will be building soon.

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Company Response

Joe , the pleasure has been all mine . I look forward to seeing the new addition & thank
you for the review . Much appreciated !