Stucco Masters

Vaughan ON L4K 1Z8
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arash in Toronto
arash in Toronto
0 reviews Whitchurch Stouffville, ON

Exterior Stucco

I had used 3 different companies in the last 15 years in multiple projects each lasting no more than 3-4 years before showing signs of ear and tear and mesh coming out from stucco and wearing out fast from the third year onwards! I have never seen stucco masters like these guys in my life! They are So good and fast and detail oriented that even after 25 years of being in the construction industry i can honestly tell everone to go a head and hire tgem for their stucco projects. When tge stucco meets stone or ashfalt or windows in their project they do the most detailed finish i have ever seen and those points in any project are the hardest points to deal with which is their real atrenght.
Fair play to them! Do not waste your time looking for anyone else in Stucco or Stone projects.

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Company Response

Hi Arash, We know you are in the business in many years. And we never hesitated to work with the parties already involved construction as their main job. We love collaboration and happy when our job is completed in a good results. Many thanks for your reference and we will happy to work for you in any project in the future.