Exceptional Drywall Contractor Inc.

Drywall Contractors
Surrey BC V3W 1A3
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HomeStars  >  General Contractors in Burnaby  >  Exceptional Drywall Contractor Inc.   >  Did two renovation jobs this year with Exception Drywall Contractor
george in Vancouver
george in Vancouver
1 review Vancouver, BC

Did two renovation jobs this year with Exception Drywall Contractor

Did a drywalling job with Jaz and his team earlier this year and they really impressed me with their professionalism and work ethic, so much so that I rehired them to do drywalling and painting for another renovation job that I'm close to finishing. I really enjoy working with Jaz. He replies to every text/email and does good work. He and his crew would be a valuable addition to any renovation project and I highly recommend his company to anyone considering them.

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Company Response

Thank you George for your honest feedback. Exceptional Drywall Contractor is always there for your future renovations. Big thank you from the team.