Derek Birch Interiors

Interior Decorators
Toronto ON M6P 1W9
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charles metres from Toronto
charles metres from Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

First Review


kitchen reno

i had in my mind a look i thought was appropriate for my home
kitchen. well it turns out i really had not opened my eyes wide enough, or for that matter knew enough about cost, materials, texture, or design. in walks Derek Birch. Not only did he give the kitchen new life...he gave the home a new and improved feel and face. He intelligently wove what the rest of the house was into a clever, glamorous soulful kitchen. not at all looking or feeling what the other drab kitchen was. at a very reasonable cost!!! This man is a top rate cook in interior design.

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Company Response

It was a pleasure to work with you and your wife, Charles. Creating a kitchen that fit both of your tastes and needs, within your budget was a rewarding challenge. I wish you both much happiness in it.