Plumbing Essentials For A Kitchen Renovation Project

Plumbing is a crucial part of any type of kitchen renovation project. Whether you’re completely re-doing the current plumbing path by changing the direction of the sink or just want to upgrade the faucets and other plumbing fixtures, hiring a professional plumber for the job is essential. Even the smallest oversight in the plumbing task can lead to burst pipes, flooding in the kitchen, improper flow of water and even spike your hydro bill.

In a kitchen renovation project, sink, faucets and dishwasher are the main plumbing fixtures. You can experiment with their position or install new pipes behind the walls. A local plumber will be able to inspect the current plumbing structure, understand your needs and suggest you the best plumbing plan for your kitchen. Here are a few plumbing tips to consider before you start unlocking the faucets…

Choose the Right Faucet for Your Sink

Faucets in a kitchen sink help regulate the water pressure. A properly flowing kitchen faucet can help you complete sink chores at ease while making the sink cleaning easy as well. There are eight major types of faucets available in the market to choose from:

Based on your usage, budget, size of your kitchen and sink, you can choose any of these types of faucets. You can get them in bronze, zink allor, stainless steel, copper or plastic material. Before making the purchase make sure you can get spare parts of the faucet if they break down anytime in the future. You can also paint the faucets to match the design of your kitchen and they can last up to 15 to 20 years.

Garburator: Legal or Not?

Garburator is a small garbage disposal unit installed right next to the sink that helps mince garbage into small pieces to flush down the pipe. There is a huge debate in Canada about whether garburators are environmentally friendly or not. Ontario cities like Toronto, Ottawa and Guelph have banned the use of garburators but they can be installed with some restrictions or modifications in other Canadian cities. Before you make a plan to add a garbage disposal on the counter, make sure you check the legalities with the help of your local plumber.

Rerouting the Plumbing

Plumber man with tools in the kitchen. Plumbing and renovation.

If you’re renovating a very old kitchen that requires changing the direction of plumbing or you want to change it for the ease of your use, we recommend you make the decision considering all the aspects. Plumbing re-routing can be a very expensive and tedious process. You may also need to get permission from local authorities including the fire department. You will also have to demolish a good part of your walls and floor of the kitchen to remove the old pipes and fix the new ones. Considering the demolition, new plumbing installations and redoing the floors, walls and counters can easily take this process to a 30-day timeline. That’s why it’s wise to make this decision carefully and hire only a professional kitchen renovator for the project.

Be it installing a new sink or just replacing some old faucets, no plumbing task is less important than the other in your kitchen. A properly functioning plumbing system makes your kitchen perform better. You always have the option to choose the plumbing material yourself be it in-store or online. But consider hiring a local plumber for the installation to avoid any water bursts when you’re just washing a simple china teacup.

Kitchen Renovation Project Guide
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