All You Need To Know About Getting New Kitchen Appliances For Your Renovation

Having modern, easy-to-use, energy-efficient appliances in your kitchen has become a necessity. When planning your kitchen renovation project, you should definitely consider getting new appliances to enhance the efficiency of your kitchen. Before you go ahead and make an expensive set of purchases, we recommend you think the idea through by inspecting all the perspectives of having new appliances in your kitchen.

The Measurements!

When choosing an appliance, keep in mind the size and measurements of your cabinets and countertops. If you’re remodelling the kitchen, you can choose a set of new appliances early on in the project and get your cabinets built around them as per their specifications. However, if it’s just a renovation project where you’re keeping the basic layout the same, you will have to spend some time looking for appliances that will fit in your current kitchen. You can enlist the help of the appliance salesman or even your kitchen designer with this particular task.

New & Easy Fixtures

Installing new modern kitchen of preparing to custom installation process assembling furniture

When installing new appliances as a part of your kitchen renovation project, you can change the location of the sockets for easy access, paint them in a colour of your choice and hide the wiring behind the cabinets. If it is a remodel project, you can hide wiring behind the new drywall. You can incorporate creative design ideas for appliance fixtures to blend them in or make them stand out to create a pop-up look!

Repair or Replace

Whether it’s kitchen remodels or renovation, you always have the option to repair and reuse your existing line of appliances instead of purchasing new ones. If your appliances are less than a couple of years old, they are in condition and are not causing any maintenance issues, then we recommend you repair them instead of replacing them. If there are any problems with your dishwasher or your refrigerator, you can always get it inspected and repaired by a local electrician. You can just get it repaired to save costs however if the repair costs more than replacing, then we suggest you choose the latter option.

How to Choose a New Appliance?

When it comes to purchasing a new dishwasher, stovetop oven, microwave or refrigerator, there are thousands of options in the market which can easily intimidate you. We recommend you make a list of appliances you need and why you need them. Accordingly, you can decide which appliance requires more investment. For example, if you get a lot of takeouts and cook very times, we recommend you get the highest quality microwave oven and refrigerator and spend less on a stovetop oven.

Customized Appliances

Country kitchen, eco interior design in green tones, sustainable parquet, potted plants, herbs, wooden shelves, microwave and refrigerator. Natural recyclable architecture concept, 3d illustration

Many appliance manufacturers offer the option of customized appliances where you can choose a particular colour and style of a refrigerator or dishwasher. If you’re planning to create a retro kitchen, then a 70’s style refrigerator will suit the design needs of your kitchen. Customized appliances can be expensive but they definitely enhance the creative energy in your cooking experience.

How and When to Purchase New Appliances?

Purchasing multiple appliances at the same time can be quite expensive. If you plan well and can get these appliances using some discount tricks, it can surely bring down your project budget by a few 100 dollars. You can strategically purchase appliances during the sale season, take advantage of any online discounts, negotiate the prices during the off-season or save and use your store credit points!

Take Care of Your Old Appliances

Once you decide to purchase new appliances, remember to take care of your old appliances. If they are broken or beyond repair, you can get rid of them by hiring a professional junk remover. Otherwise, you can fix them up and sell them at a lower price on Kijiji or Facebook Marketplace. The money you earn from this sale can be used towards purchasing a brand new toaster or air fryer for your kitchen countertop!
Repairing, selling, purchasing or installing new appliances in your kitchen can be a huge project in itself. You can do it yourself by spending a few hours doing research online or simply asking your kitchen designer to help with the process. Discuss your options for getting new kitchen appliances with your kitchen designer when you’re ready to work on the renovation project! Ask a local contractor for a custom quote today!

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