Understand The Difference Between Kitchen Renovation vs Kitchen Remodel

Many homeowners often get confused between renovation and remodel. These two phrases are commonly used interchangeably in various home improvement projects. Though they may sound similar, both have very distinct meanings. Based on whether you want a renovation or a remodel, the cost of your project can change dramatically.

What is a Kitchen Renovation?

A kitchen renovation project means upgrading your kitchen without changing its basic structure. You can repaint, add new fixtures or replace the floor or window of your kitchen without damaging its original architectural design.

What is a Kitchen Remodel?

A kitchen remodel is where you completely change the room by making structural and architectural changes. If you want to expand your kitchen into a dining room, tear down drywall make it an open floor kitchen or build a new window, and change the location of the sink and oven then the project will fall under the ‘remodel’ category. In a kitchen remodel, you will have to go through an extensive demolition plan and new construction. You can completely change the design, layout, structure and style of any room in your house by opting for a remodel.

What Should You Choose: Kitchen Renovation or Kitchen Remodel?

Based on your budget, timeline and requirements, you can choose either of the options for your new kitchen improvement project.

  • If you’re happy with the current layout of the kitchen, then a simple renovation project is best for you. However, if the current kitchen layout is not accommodating your family’s needs, then you can go ahead with the remodel.
  • If you just want to update basic fixtures, then a kitchen renovation project is best for you!
  • Renovations are often considered to be less expensive than a remodel as they need less time, low possibility of any demolition work and provide more ROI if you’re planning to sell the property soon.

If you’re still confused about whether to go for a kitchen remodel or renovation, we recommend you talk to a local kitchen improvement expert. You can hire a local contractor by asking for a custom quote, checking their Star Score, verification badge and homeowner reviews.

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