6 Step Demolition Plan For your Kitchen Renovation

Whether you’re making a small change in your kitchen or renovating the whole room inside out, having a sought put demolition plan is essential. Demolition of the kitchen area is the first step in the construction of your new kitchen. If you’re keeping the same layout of the kitchen, the demolition should not take more than a week. You can refer to this step-by-step demolition plan to prepare for the new construction…

Step 1: Site Visit

Diagonal Split Screen Of Drawing and Photo of Beautiful New Kitchen.
  • If you plan to demolition the kitchen DIY style by watching a few 15-minute YouTube videos, consider doing a thorough inspection of the site before you pick the big hammer. A video may show the whole demolition process in 15 minutes but based on the size of your kitchen and cabinets, it can take up to 15 days! Study the material you are going to demolition (wooden cabinets, tiles on backsplash and floor, countertops, steel or aluminum sink and stove etc.) so you can get proper demolition material.
  • Also, note the plumbing and electrical fixtures and lines running from behind the drywall or under the floor as you don’t want to accidentally nick them with your axe. Remember once you break it, fixing will cost it heavily in terms of money and time.
  • If you plan on hiring someone for the demolition, the contractor will consider all the aspects of your renovation process before tearing down the cabinets. By doing a site visit, the contractor will be able to tell you the cost and timeline of the project.

Step 2: Create a Demolition Plan

  • After inspecting the site, the next step is to create a demolition plan. What should be taken down first and last? Also, make a list of equipment you will need, disposal of waste, timeline and how many people will be working on the project. If you’re doing it yourself, you may have to ask for some help from friends and family. Create a schedule and coordinate with them to visit, work and arrange for some refreshments like sandwiches and maybe a cold beer at the end of the day!
  • However, if you hire a contractor, you don’t have to worry about this step. Just think about where you will have to set up a temporary kitchen while the demolition takes place.

Pro Tip

As a part of your demolition plan, prepare to pack up your kitchen simultaneously. This is a great way to get rid of many unused things from the kitchen and remove the expired products from your pantry that you bought years ago!

Step 3: Demolition Equipment

Man professional worker in dusty uniform breaks brick, concrete walls and tile with perforator. Concept overhaul, renovation, redevelopment of the walls of the office, kitchen in restaurant
  • If you have the right type of equipment the renovation will take less time and you will be more efficient. A whole kitchen renovation can’t be done using a small hammer or some gardening tools. You will need a combination of power tools and hand tools.
Power Tools for Kitchen DemolitionHand Tools for Kitchen Demolition
Reciprocating saw, a circular saw, jackhammer, cordless drill, angle grinder, air cleaner etc.Bars, pliers, nippers, snips, ledge hammer etc.
  • In addition to these tools, you will also need bog boxes to pack your kitchen, trolly to move heavy kitchen appliances like refrigerator and dishwasher and plastic sheets to protect other rooms from heavy dust to name a few. The cost of purchasing or renting these types of equipment for at least a week can climb up to a four-figure sum. You can avoid such a big expense by hiring a local contractor who already owns all the equipment required for kitchen demolition.

Step 4: Secure Waste Container

Container with solid household and construction waste. Waste recycling. Caring for the environment
  • Many times Canadian homeowners get so excited about tearing down those old kitchen cabinets that they often forget about securing a waste container to remove all the demolished material from their homes to make space for new construction. Whether you are living in Toronto or Halifax, you can hire a junk removal service in your area to get rid of tiles, drywall, cabinet wood, countertops and even old appliances. However, booking them in the 11th hour can be a bit expensive. So add the hiring of a local junk remover to your list when you create a demolition plan in step 2 of this project.
  • Here, you can ask the junk removers to bring extra workers to help you take out the trash from your house to outside in the container or you can book the transportation only. Ask your local pro to provide a quote for both services for better decision-making.

Step 5: Structural Preparation

Hole in the wall in a old building destroyed, interior abandoned house
  • If you’re planning to add a new window, create a door or tear down a wall to create an open space kitchen, it’s considered as a structural change. Before you tear down a wall, we highly recommend you consult a professional. You should never touch the load-bearing walls as they can bring the whole structure of your home down. So for any structural changes, instead of performing the task DIY style, consult an interior designer or an architect to understand your options.

Step 6: Clean and Prepare the Site for Construction

Kitchen renovation in progress with cabinets removed and prepped for installation
  • Last but not least is to clear the kitchen floor to make space for new construction. Removing all the debris from demolition, checking in the plumbing, mechanical and electrical fixtures, and getting rid of spider webs or rodent presence behind the walls before you start building a new structure are equally important. Remember though this is the last step in your demolition process, it’s the first step in constructing a new kitchen. This will be the foundation of your brand new kitchen so get the cleaning job done accurately.

Kitchen demolition may sound fun when done with friends and family swinging around hammers and crowbars but it can bring more harm than good if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Based on the intensity of your kitchen renovation project, demolition can be very expensive and time-consuming. There is always the option to hire a professional for the job so you can get your kitchen demolished without even touching a sledgehammer.

Kitchen Renovation Project Guide
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