

Courtney and Catherine did a fantastic job! My place went from smelling like a bachelor cave to what, I can only assume, Heaven smells like. The place is so clean that I could probably (though I won't, obviously) eat maple walnut ice cream out of the bathroom sink. I hate making my bed, so to my delight I found that Courtney or Catherine had done it for me. I took a photo and sent it to my Mom and took credit for the bed making - please forgive me. The bathroom is so clean that when I shower now the experience will be more like bathing under a waterfall in Costa Rica instead of a rest stop off of Highway 1. The kitchen is so clean that I am now afraid to cook in it for fear of ruining the serene beauty. I'll just stare at the unprepared food instead, for now. I'm so hungry... The common room is so clean that I could invite the Pope over for a beer and not be worried that the cleanliness doesn't meet his Holy standards. In summary, great service by two very talented and caring professionals. Thanks!

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Company Response

Thank you for making us laugh Carlos! Your review made their day (Courtney and Catherine), and we're happy to make your bed. I would probably stick to a bowl for the ice cream though...