Insulation for homes is usually meant to describe the material used in buildings to reduce the flow of thermal energy but it can also withstand acoustic insulation, fire insulation and impact insulation. If you have been wondering about what is the best insulation for homes, hiring an insulation contractor, can help you find the best solution. From spray foam insulation to fibreglass insulation, there are many options to choose from and a professional can help you choose the best one.

When you look for insulation contractors on HomeStars, you can also request a custom quote for your insulation project. And to help you compare these quotes, we have put together reviews from 3,698 verified homeowners across Canada.

Insulation Project Costs across Canada

TaskAverage Cost*Lowest Reported*Highest Reported*

*Costs based on 3,698 verified homeowner reviews as of March 2022

Batt, Rolled or Reflective Insulation

  • Batt rolled or reflective insulation is a common choice among many homeowners. Hiring a contractor to get these insulation projects done is a good idea as they can ensure a seamless job. If you have been curious about what asbestos insulation looks like, they can help you understand it more and also suggest if it’s right for you.
  • Batt insulation is a type of insulation blanket, available in pre-cut sections that can be directly put on walls. Usually made of fibreglass, they are also made with mineral wool and natural fibres and are usually used for unfurnished walls.
  • Rolled insulation, as the name suggests, is rolled out between wall and ceiling framing and leaves fewer chances of gaps between sections, making them a little more effective than batt insulation.
  • Reflective insulation or radiant barrier is a type of insulation that reflects the heat away from your home, unlike others that prevent heat loss from your home. These are commonly used in hotter climates.

Blown-In Insulation

  • Blown-in insulation or loose-fill insulation is insulation material like fibreglass, mineral wool and cellulose that is blown into the wall and other areas with special equipment. This is especially useful for odd construction gaps or difficult-to-reach areas.

Spray Foam Insulation

  • Spray foam insulation is usually liquid latex or polyurethane foam that is sprayed onto walls and ceilings with a special machine. Apart from insulating the full homes, this method can come in handy for hard-to-reach areas and fill in gaps around doors and windows. This can also serve as soundproof insulation when done well.
  • As they can be trimmed and painted over, they make an excellent choice for small repairs or upgrades to insulation. Many homeowners also choose styrofoam insulation or rigid insulation as they are efficient and affordable and your contractor can help you evaluate if it’s good for your home.

Attic Insulation

  • When using insulation in your home and especially the attic, make sure to check with the contractor about attic insulation rebates that can be applied to your home.
  • If you are renovating or building your home, it’s also important to look into pipe insulation as it can prevent water from freezing and pipes from bursting, if you live in colder climates. To know more about the prices of insulation projects in Canada, refer to the table above.

After you receive the custom quote for your insulation project, you can check the Star Score and Verification Badge on the contractor’s profile. These trust metrics, developed by HomeStars, help you understand more about the contractor’s reputation and quality of work. You can also go through their customer reviews to hire with complete peace of mind.
