

Mark has done several jobs for our parish church and buildings ranging from repairing stained glass windows, to building radiator covers, to repairing and staining solid oak doors, to re-roofing flat roofs. All the sub-contractors Mark works with are true professionals who care about their trade and it shows in their attention to detail and respect for the customer.

Approximate cost of services:
What could this company do to improve their services?
Total Renovations is a small company and as such is able to focus on doing an excellent job, the first time. Small is good and there is nothing I would suggest be changed.
Any advice to offer fellow homeowners facing a similar project?
Whatever job, you have to trust the advice of the frontt man - the general contractor. I trust Mark and if he doesn't know he brings in the people who do. This is the sign of a true professional who has pride in the finished product and strives to do the "right" thing. Look for these qualities in a contractor.
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Company Response

George; thanks for your thoughts and response to the question about advice. A successful project is built on trust. Mark Madigan