G S Plumbing Solutions Inc.

Kitchener ON N2H 2H8
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Kitchener  >  G S Plumbing Solutions Inc.  >  Gavin Stokes - plumbing service
Gavin stokes
Gavin stokes
1 review Erin, ON

Gavin Stokes - plumbing service

Id really like to commend the service I received from Diego of GS Plumbimg thru reliance -
Number one he is truly professional and extremely polite and a pleasure to deal with.
Immediate greeting with name at front door which set me at ease as in the past Ive had negative experiences -
He talked the job head on and helped me out and gave values advise -
I would truly recommend both Diego and GS Plimbing services
Gavin Stokes

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Thanks for the kind words.