Cosmopolitan Mechanical Services Inc

Heating & Air Conditioning
Mississauga ON L5C 1C6
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Justin from Toronto
Justin from Toronto
6 reviews Vaughan, ON

Repair a gas furnace malfunction

Our furnace stopped working at end of January. We called Cosmopolitan as they installed the furnace more than two years ago. Technician came on time and provided the solution after a quick check. it was due to the gas valve malfunction. However, it took some time to get the part, and replacing gas valve did not resolve the issue completely.
The technician then did an overall check and test and found out that our air filter was too thick which blocked too much air, causing overheat in a chamber, then the sensor sent the faulty signal to shutdown the blower motor.
After changing to a new think filter, the furnace started to work perfectly.
Thanks Cosmopolitan (Randy) and technician Waqas! Your help returned the warm back to our house in such a cold winter.

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