Smart Movers Canada

Moving & Storage
Toronto ON M6K 2J2
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0 reviews Ottawa, ON

Long Distance Move

Two employees of Smart Movers arrived at the agreed time and they immediately went to work carrying many boxes with several trips loading onto the truck. The employees were quick, precise, and very effective with their job at hand. The multitude of boxes were assembled close to the open door main entrance.
When that task was completed with great detail to safety, the employees took great care and caution protecting fabric pieces and then the same care and caution with the wooden furniture. The entire process was complete in less than two hours.
This was followed by the next phase to drive from Ottawa to Burlington, ON. Fortunately we were blessed with a bright sunny day. They unloaded everything with the same care and caution and safely
brought my belongings up the elevator all the while mindful of the delicate China cabinets.
Both employees worked very hard and together provided excellent service and a safe and successful long distance move from Ottawa to Burlington ON. I take this opportunity to express to these two hard working staff members my appreciation and gratitude for a job well done. I am now happily settled in my new home.
Thank you to both your excellent employees for a job well done. Please congratulate them both and share with them my gratitude.
I highly recommend Smart Movers.

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Company Response

Thank you Mary! We're so happy to have been able to help you with your long distance moving. It was our pleasure to work with you and we're glad that everything went smoothly for you. If there is anything else we can do for you in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. We value your business and would be happy to assist you further.