

We had a bit of a scary attempted break in when we were home late one night. The next morning, I called 5 alarm companies. I had each and every one come by and give me a quote. When Dolby came to assess the needs of my home, he was honest and caring. He had great input, and ensured everything would be secure with a top of the line system. He came on a Sunday, and spent the day ensuring everything was installed correctly up to my standards. He was sure to go through how the alarm worked, and all sensors and fixtures. The thing I appreciated most from him, while we were finalizing numbers, he said "I want to help you." ALL other salesmen that had come to my house were pushing for items that were costly, and not totally needed. Dolby ensured I received a quality system, with great technology, and a super install. I love that I can check everything on my phone for those "just in case" moments. His customer service is second to none. I would recommend his service to EVERYONE! Thanks, Dolby, for all of your help!!!

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Thank you for your good words to JTL. JTL persists high product and service quality standards that makes us stand out. If you need anything that we can do please don't hesitate to contact us.