
We’ve Made Improvements to Your Dashboard

woman typing on laptop visiting the new homestars dashboard

HomeStars has made some exciting improvements to your desktop dashboard, specifically, your “Edit Listing” page now referred to as “Company Profile”. These visual changes to your dashboard are here to simplify profile updates and help you effectively manage multiple portions of your profile, all in one section.

Your New “Company Profile” At A Glance

“Listing Info”, “Services Areas”, “Categories and Tasks”, and “Galleries” and are now located under your “Company Profile” tab in the left side navigation bar. Click through each section seamlessly to update your profile with ease.


homestars company profile options


Save and View Profile Updates, Faster!

Your “Save Changes” buttons are now conveniently located at the top and bottom of each page, enabling you to save changes quickly and effectively when making updates.

Easily view your profile changes by selecting “View My Listing” in the top right-hand corner of the screen to assure your updates are to your liking!


view my listening and save button on profile


Clean-Up and Review Tasks With a Drop-Down Menu

To declutter the interface, we have updated the “Categories and Tasks” page to hide tasks, until you’re looking to make changes. Click the drop-down task menu to view and manage enabled tasks.


drop down task menu


Visibility Into Featured Ad Impressions

For those who have opted for increased exposure with HomeStars Feature Ads, you will now have visibility into when your Feature Ad(s) were last seen by homeowners, including day, month and time giving you valuable insights into your investment.


Feature ad on dashboard


Log in today to get acquainted with your revamped “Company Profile”. Refamiliarize yourself with each section of your profile to create a listing that inspires homeowners to connect with your business over the rest!

Questions? Contact your dedicated account manager, today, or call 1-800-701-9265.

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