
Introducing Deals by HomeStars

introducing deals by homestars

What is Deals by HomeStars?

An advertising opportunity where you can promote the deals in your category to project-ready homeowners in your area

Deals by HomeStars

Deals by HomeStars

Why Activate This Feature?

Getting new customers is difficult and it can be hard to break through the competition. As homeowners are becoming more price-conscious in their buying behaviour, this can be an opportunity for your to shine bright by providing them with the best solution they are looking for: cost-cutting deals!

What Are the Benefits of Deals by HomeStars?

  • Create your own deal: connect with your customer success manager to create a single deal of your choice to advertise in your category
  • Get more leads: showcase your deal to our entire network of ready-to-hire homeowners in your area and convert them into loyal clients (and rave-reviewers!)
  • Break through the competition: 32% of homeowners say they are ready to take on projects if offered a deal. Offer them a deal they can’t refuse and make the competition irrelevant!

How Does It Work?

When homeowners visit our Deals page, they will…

  1. Filter by deal
  2. Filter by category
  3. Search for a professional
  4. Read details of new deals and submit a quote request for you!
Deals by HomeStars

Deals by HomeStars

When you receive a lead from your deal, it will be reflected as ‘Promotion Lead’ in your leads inbox!

How to Get Started?

Connect with your customer success manager to create a single offer of your choice under your category and get exposure to eager, ready-to-hire homeowners!

Questions? Contact your dedicated account manager, today, or call 1-800-701-9265.

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