
HomeStars Logos 101

HomeStars is Canada’s #1 platform connecting homeowners to community-reviewed home service professionals. Nationwide, a homeowner visits HomeStars every 5 seconds to read reviews and find a pro for their next reno or repair project. With that in mind, HomeStars’ most successful pros are capitalizing on this widespread recognition in the home improvement space and are including HomeStars logos in their marketing materials to influence profile visits and help earn more business!

What are The Different Types of Logos?

Pros on the HomeStars network can use both the HomeStars and the “Read Our Reviews” logos in their marketing materials.

Both logos can be used to drive traffic to your HomeStars profile and showcase your partnership with us.

Additionally, upgraded HomeStars pros who have won a Best of Award or have been Verified by HomeStars have access to these notable logos.

Both logos symbolize trust and credibility in the home improvement space. They share with homeowners that you’re not only a pro on HomeStars but that you’re up-to-date in both your legal and professional requirements and are a reliable and trustworthy business that homeowners can safely bring into their homes.

How Can I Use HomeStars Logos?

Logos can be downloaded and used on multiple marketing assets, including:

Your Company Website

Adding HomeStars logos to your website is a great way to provide homeowners with an additional place to validate your business’s reputation. We recommend placing the HomeStars review widget first and foremost on your company website. Once that is placed, include HomeStars logos in strategic places on your website, like your homepage, testimonials page or footer. Always include a hyperlink to your profile to encourage a hot lead on your website to visit your HomeStars profile for added confidence in your business.

Email Signature

Leave a professional impression that sets you apart from your competition with an email signature that includes a hyperlinked HomeStars logo that goes right to your profile. Entice homeowners to read your reviews, or showcase your Best of Award winner status in your signature to leave a favourable impression.

Online Advertising

If your business is running search engine ads or Google display advertising, include HomeStars in your ads to add credibility and make for a stronger sell, visually. With 8 million homeowners visits annually, homeowners are eager to work with a Verified pro who has a strong portfolio of reviews to back them up. Showcase your partnership with HomeStars on other marketing assets to make your business more hireable.

Print Marketing Material

Online advertising is a great way to build brand awareness and increase visibility, but there are still valuable opportunities in print marketing. Items such as company brochures, ads in flyers, and other advertising avenues are additional opportunities to include HomeStars logos. Showcasing your partnership with a reputable third-party review site like HomeStars is a sure way to help homeowners feel more secure in hiring your business and can help encourage them to learn more about you.

Where Can I Find HomeStars Logos?

You can find HomeStars logos in the Pro Centre on our logo page.

Best of Award winner and Verified pros can access these logos in their Marketing Toolkit. If you’re unsure where this is, contact your dedicated Account Manager to assist you further.

And that’s it! You now know what logos are available to you, and how to appropriately use them. Download your preferred logos today and think about where you can strategically start placing HomeStars logos in your marketing materials to increase profile views, connections, and more!

Questions? Contact your dedicated account manager, today, or call 1-800-701-9265.

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