

If you hire this company, please, please make sure you get a professional quote with actual numbers, amounts and do not just believe written or verbal statements. Ensure if you have asked for a "few" boxes because it's a small move and you have pre-packed most things already, that they don't later charge you a $100 on the bill and the owner tries to tell you that you used a huge number of boxes. There is a real disconnect between the owner and the movers he contracts out. Make sure if the movers are an hour late that you make note of it by making them rewrite the time or sign that they were an hour late. Also, if they left an hour and a half before they said they did and you were kind enough to drive them over to the local Tim Horton's where they wanted to get a beverage, that they don't later charge you for that and refuse to sign the bill. Check out moved items if you can. If you have a damaged top drawer of your desk and it cannot pull in and out properly anymore you will want it documented before they leave or they will not reimburse you for it. No matter how nice the movers appear to be, check in on them regularly as one might take 3 hours to fill two wardrobe boxes (everything already on hangers!) and put clothing from two shelves and 6 drawers into 3 boxes. Without them coming to see what you are moving, you don't have a lot of recourse because the owner, Ron, believes "his guys". I was quoted in an email, half of what I was charged and had to pay. I had no appliances, no beds or bedroom furniture, or any of the bulky heavy items in a usual move. This was for one person who moved a very small amount. Just really protect yourself as a consumer and make sure they some see what you are moving, you get a SIGNED quote and then immediately refuse to sign anything the really "pleasant" guys tell you is not a problem. Do not believe that you have any recourse once they have left.

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