
First Review


This store won't give refunds for any reason whatsoever- not even for system incompatibility. Nowhere in the store was a no refund policy posted for electronics. Store will not produce a written refund policy - not even upon request. If you try to ask for a refund, the store employee Kurt will try to hassle and argue with you. He'll also refuse to put you in touch with store owner Karl if you ask him to. The Better Business Bureau and the Ministry of Consumer Services are useless as well - they won't help you with getting refunds either - even with such deceptive and unclear policies. They won't even enforce Section 5 of the Consumer Protection Act 2002 which requires businesses to disclose return/refund information in a clear, prominent and easy to understand manner. The BBB and the Ministry of Consumer Services won't enforce the Act's provisions that stipulate that in the case of a dispute over unclear language, it must be interpreted in favour of the consumer by law. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS, RELATIVES AND ACQUAINTANCES TO BOYCOTT THIS STORE!

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