Roofs are considered to be one of the strongest parts of any house. They are built to last for years and are able to withstand external damages such as heavy snow, rain and falling tree branches. However, even the smallest damage to the shingles or a leak can easily escalate into a major problem. If you notice any damage to your roof or feel the need for its replacement, we highly recommend you get in touch with a local roofing expert as quickly as possible. Fixing a roof problem will save you from any further physical and financial damage. You can refer to this cost guide, based on 172 verified Edmonton homeowner reviews to help you plan your next roofing project. You can compare costs and ask for a local roofing company to give you a custom quote to fix your roof.

Roofing Costs in Edmonton

TaskAverage Cost*Lowest Reported*Highest Reported*
Asphalt Shingles$7,457$4,000$15,000
Metal Roof$25,814$10,000$50,000
New Roof Installation$8,871$200$40,000
Roofing Repair$3,438$270$8,000

Costs as of February 2021*

Asphalt Shingles

  • Building an asphalt shingle roof or replacing an old one requires a professional roofing expert. The expert can help you choose a specific type of asphalt shingle from a wide variety of colours, textures and styles. Asphalt shingles look beautiful, are long-lasting, fire-resistant, waterproof, easy to install, easy to repair or replace, cost-effective and require low maintenance.
  • Getting new asphalt shingles can cost you anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000 in Edmonton.

Metal Roof

  • Metal roofs are becoming a popular choice among Edmonton homeowners as they are energy efficient, made from an environmentally friendly and sustainable material and are durable. Though metal roof installation can be expensive it can last for 40-70 years without the need for heavy maintenance or repairs. Metal roofs are waterproof and fire-resistant which is essential for the safety and security of your home.
  • A local roofer can help you choose from a variety of aluminum, copper, stainless steel, tin, zinc or fibreglass material for your new roof. They also come in different colours and styles. A metal roof project in Edmonton can cost you about $25,814 on average.

New Roof Installation

  • Whether you want to replace your current roof with a new one or you’re building a roof on your new house, the spring season is considered the best for this project. You can hire a professional roofing company in Edmonton to help you choose the best roofing material for your project and build it within a set timeline.
  • If you notice heavy damages to your roof like leaks, cracks and holes, or if a huge tree fell on it or its repair costs more than replacement, we recommend you choose to get a new roof installed on your house. You can either install a new roof on the current structure or rebuild it from scratch. A local expert will help you with either choice. A new roof installation in Edmonton can cost you up to $40,000.

Roofing Repair

  • If your roof is leaking, there are cracks on the shingles, if you notice mold growth, loose shingles or a dent on it, we recommend you get it fixed as soon as possible. If a damaged roof is not fixed on time, it can damage your walls and in extreme cases, it can fall into your home! To avoid major damages to the interior of your house and for the safety of your family, give attention to the smallest damage to your roof and get it fixed.
  • Based on the type of roof you have and the extent of the damage, a local roofing company can make a plan to fix it. A roofing repair in Edmonton can cost you $3,438 on average.

Factors Impacting Roofing Costs in Edmonton

Replacement of an Old Roof

  • Replacing an old roof can be expensive compared to the repairs. But if an old and damaged roof is not replaced on time, it can cause catastrophic damages to the interior of your house. The cost of replacing an old roof can be determined based on the age of the roof and its structure, material and quantity of new replacement roof, height and weight of the roof, the timeline for the project and the weather conditions in which the replacement project will take place. Replacement of the old roof is a team project for which you will need to hire professional roofers who have the equipment and expertise to complete the roof replacement.

Length of the Pitch

  • The length of the pitch for your roof is calculated based on the horizontal length of the base structure, height of the roof and the surroundings. A 20° rise in the height of the pitch is considered normal for residential properties in Edmonton. A roof with high pitch means low maintenance but more cost as it requires additional material and time to be installed.

Strong Rafters or Trusses

  • Rafters and trusses are factory-made, triangle-shaped lumber parts that work as a solid foundation for your roof. They can hold the maximum weight of your shingles or slabs. They ensure the longevity and security of your roof. If the foundation has cracks or holes in it, it won’t be able to hold the roof and your ceiling might collapse. Your contractor can help you with the design, building and installation of a strong rafters or trusses foundation.

Metal Drip Edge

  • A metal drip edge is an L-shaped edge surrounding your roof to protect your house from water damage. A metal drip edge can be installed along with your new roof or around your existing roof. With regular maintenance, the metal drip edge can last as long as your roof. This edge protects the fascia and the walls of your house from water penetration and leakages. Based on the size of your roof, a local expert will be able to provide you with a custom quote to install a new metal drip edge.

Installation, repair and replacement of a roof require a professional as it involves many construction elements. From taking measurements to getting the material, building the roof to installing the drip edge, a roofing project can be expensive and time-consuming. You can hire an experienced team of roofing professionals in Edmonton by checking their Star Score, verification badge and homeowner reviews on HomeStars for successful and secure completion of your roofing project.