Concrete contractors are highly experienced and trained tradespeople who work specifically with concrete. Whether your project is for decorative or practical purposes, you will need help from a concrete contractor. From creating a ready-to-mix concrete to concrete repair and cutting, a concrete contractor is responsible for the entire project, from start to finish.

Although the prices for concrete contractors vary nationally, you can find out the approximate price range in Edmonton. The costs below are based on 89 verified homeowner reviews.

Concrete Contractors Projects Costs in Edmonton

TaskAverage Cost*Lowest Reported*Highest Reported*
Concrete Contractor$12,065$160$50,000

*Costs based on 89 verified homeowner reviews as of March 2022

Concrete Walls & Flooring

  • Since the floors and walls of our home need a strong foundation, concrete is the most commonly used material. Whether you’re wondering how to stain a concrete floor or unsure of the best type of concrete sealer that should be used for your walls, a concrete contractor can help. Concrete contractors have the right experience to ensure that your project is done right and that it is up to code.

Concrete Driveway

  • Due to Canadian weather conditions, our driveways are often in need of repairs. Thankfully, a concrete contractor can support mud jacking, concrete levelling, pothole filling, and surface paving to ensure your driveway is both smooth and safe.

Concrete Contractor

  • Hiring a concrete contractor ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. A concrete contractor can provide your project with the right equipment, experience, and permits.
  • You can expect to pay as little as $160 to as much as $50,000 for your concrete contractor in Edmonton.

If you’re ready to hire a concrete contractor in Edmonton, you can submit a quote request, read homeowner reviews, and look for a pro’s Star Score rating and Verified badge on HomeStars!