AM-PM Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

Drain Services
Edmonton AB T6T 2A5
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Edmonton  >  AM-PM Plumbing & Drain Cleaning  >  Replaced bathtub faucet parts
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Private User
Private User reviews Edmonton, AB

Replaced bathtub faucet parts

Friendly enough but flooded the bathroom which has left stains on the ceiling tiles below and water marks on the bathroom baseboards. Good thing we had lots of towels and buckets.

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Company Response

Hi Kelly . I'm calling you from AM/PM Plumbing and I have your number from Home Star . I want to talk to you about your plumbing issues you have in your home. My name is Vio . My phone number is : 780-975-4968. You can call me anytime to talk about the issue . Have good day