Quality Potlight Inc.

Markham ON L3R 5P4
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HomeStars  >  Moving & Storage in Vaughan  >  Quality Potlight Inc.  >  Great service, very happy with the results!
Amy in Toronto
Amy in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Great service, very happy with the results!

I had been searching for a solution to the dim lighting in my condo kitchen for some time. I didn’t want to lose precious ceiling height and found Condo Potlight’s “Lightbox”. I liked the clean minimalist design, that it was only ~2” from the ceiling, and it gave me the distributed lighting I was looking for. The price point was reasonable as well. Communication with Moe was quick and an appointment was scheduled within a week. The job itself took about an hour - amazing work from Ali and his team. I’m so excited to cook in my kitchen now as I can finally see what I’m doing! :) And the Lightbox looks fantastic. Thanks again!

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Company Response

Thanks for your kind words Amy! Glad our Lightbox was suitable foe your space!

Enjoy your new kitchen

Condo Potlight