Foam Comfort Inc.

Toronto ON M4M 2K9
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5 reviews Toronto, ON

Supplemental Insulation

Foam Comfort has been my go-to contractor for spray foam - had them spray foam the walls of a rebuilt detached garage several years ago and recently to add supplemental insulation to the walls in a WWII home.

I found their prices fair and they were able to provide services with short lead time. 2 man crew - both pleasant and professional (the helper said "sorry" every time he stepped in front of you while setting up - who does that anymore?!?)

Some learnings: they covered critical items and portions of the floor, but the "vapour" from the foaming process carries like spray paint drift and settles on surfaces, so cover EVERYTHING you don't want it on...and lots of "puffy-fuzzies" from shaving the foam down (they DO clean up, but these things cling with static and eventually fall to the floor). Neither were an issue for me given the status of the work site, but make mention of it for other homeowners.

My foaming days should be done now, but I would definitely use them again for another project.

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Company Response

Hi Tim. Thank you for your review of Foam Comfort. We are honoured that you called us back for a subsequent project. We know that spray foam insulation is just the best and know that your garage will be super-efficient regardless of what you use it for. Good advice re: foam. We always take precautions to ensure that the foam is contained - saving you valuable dollars in cleanup and repairs. Good luck with your project and keep us in mind if there is a "next time"!