Great Canadian Roofing And Siding Ltd

Edmonton AB T6E 0C9
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Bob and Roxy Hekelaar in Saskatoon
Bob and Roxy Hekelaar in Saskatoon
1 review Saskatoon, SK

Roofing & Eavetroughs

We had a tree fall and damage a portion of the eaves and shingles on our front porch, and the insurance company recommended Great Canadian. In addition to the damage by the falling tree, we also had them replace the eaves on the rest of the house and put some on our new garage as well. They were so incredible!! We asked a lot of questions about the process and they were always so helpful in making sure we knew exactly how things were coming along and what work needed to be done. We were leaving for an extended trip, and they were so willing to work with our timelines and make sure everything was taken care of before we left. The work that was completed was second to none, extremely well done!! Anyone we spoke to was friendly, professional, and so very helpful. We are so happy with the service they provided and will use them again for any type of this work!

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Company Response

Bob and Roxy,

Thank you so much for trusting us with the repairs to your home! We greatly appreciate you sharing your experience with our team and on the work that was completed. We hope you don't have any more falling trees, but know that we are here to help, if you do!

Thank you,
Great Canadian