Student Works Painting

Paint & Wallpaper Contractors
Markham ON L3P 7P1
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HomeStars  >  Paint & Wallpaper Contractors in Markham  >  Student Works Painting  >  WORST External House Painting
Channy TaeTae in Brampton
Channy TaeTae in Brampton
1 review Brampton, ON

WORST External House Painting

ORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE: wish I could rate ZERO. Communication is a ZERO . I Should have cancelled after they cancelled my original date. I had to call 3 or four times in a row just to get a reply. I had to ask four times for a new date while being told he doesn’t know because he is busy. I asked for my deposit back so I can find somebody else . Then he gave me a date. On the day he came to do the job he tried to tell me his manager said he has to charge me an EXTRA 10% because the original person who I signed the contract with shouldn’t have offered it to me. I said too bad I have a bloody CONTRACT. May I add that their quote wasn’t the cheapest so it not like I was getting a really good deal . I was also told that they would complete in one day when quoted and they took two whole days because only one person was doing the majority of the work. THE MOST HORRIBLE PAINT JOB EVER. The sloppiest most unprofessional paint job on the front of the house . It really looks like a student who has never painted before did the work.. I asked for my front door , garage and window box. When they said they were finished I was appalled. My husband GAVE THEM PAINTER TAPE. And asked why they didn’t use it for the lines .. the lines were so ugly and sloppy I wanted to cry. Then they tried to fix it and at that point I just wanted them to leave. I FEEL LIKE I WAS ROBBED. DO NOT USE THESE GUYS.

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Company Response

Hi Channy, we are really sorry that you're experience with us has not been a good one. As we understand, the operator and his District Manager are currently working with you to resolve these issues and to ensure your are satisfied. If you would like to discuss this further, please call our head office at 905-201-1477 and speak to Catherine. - Student Works