Avenue Road Roofing

Toronto ON M6B 1P8
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HomeStars  >  Roofing in York  >  Avenue Road Roofing   >  World class service provided installing new eaves troughs, fascia, soffits, aluminum siding and window capping
Patrick in Toronto
Patrick in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

World class service provided installing new eaves troughs, fascia, soffits, aluminum siding and window capping

The Avenue Road Roofing installation team of Tony, Alberto, Simon and Thomas did an amazing job providing world class service installing new eaves troughs, fascia, soffits, aluminum siding and front window capping. My wife and I are extremely satisfied with the quality of the work and great customer service the team demonstrated. Tony was very consultative through out the project: each day he took the time to validate that the work delivered met our expectations and demonstrated flexibility to make minor adjustments when requested.

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Company Response

Thank you Patrick, the review is appreciated. The guys will appreciate it. We are happy to hear you and your wife are happy with our work.
Avenue Road Roofing